Lesson Plans August 28th – August 31st


Monday-Students will review classifying real number.  Then they’ll move on to scientific notation.

Tuesday-Students will apply scientific notation to word problems.   Please have you student show you not only how they can do this on paper but also with the calculator and Desmos.  When they take ANY test, even the STAAR test, they’ll be allowed to use BOTH resources.  So this year we do everything by hand.  Then use them to help.

Wednesday-Students will work on the’r first until review over The Real Number System and Scientific Notation.  We will go over a couple problems in class.   **This review will be handed out MONDAY.  They should do 5-10 problems per night.  The rest, they can finish tonight (Wednesday).

Thursday-Students will go over the review with me in class.  Every problem will be worked out with them.

Friday-Unit one TEST

**Please note that I may bump a lesson back a day or two.  If students aren’t understanding, we wont move on.  If your student is in activities that takes them out of school, make sure they are coming to me before class the next day.   They can come the day before if they know they’ll be missing.  This way when they get to class, I’ve already taught them what they need to know and they don’t get lost in class.  I’m usually in my classroom by 7am each day to help. **

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