Lesson Plans January 27th – January 31th


Monday-Unit 7 continued-Using surface area to solve word problems

Tuesday/Wednesday-Intro to surface area of cylinders.  Students will be able to apply surface area of cylinders to real world problems.

Thursday-Surface Area quiz-This will be over prisms and cylinders.

Friday-Stations with surface area review focusing on commonly missed problems on the quiz.

Unit 7 Test Surface Area will be on Tuesday the following week.



Lesson Plans January 20th – January 24th



Tuesday-Transformations Test Review (Unit 6)

Wednesday Transformations Test (Unit 6)

Thursday-Intro to surface area of rectangular prisms (Unit 7).  Students will use prior knowledge of surface area of nets to help them connect with the SA of prisms formula.

Friday-Surface area of triangular prisms (Unit 7).  Students will use prior knowledge of surface area of nets to help them connect with the SA of prisms formula.

Unit 6–8.3A, 8.3B, 8.3C, 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.10C and 8.10D

Unit 7–8.7B

Lesson Plans January 6th to January 10th


Monday-Teacher Work Day

Tuesday/Wednesday-Universal Screener on IXL-This data will show me your student’s progression since starting pre-algebra.

Thursday/Friday- We’ll go over the benchmark from before break. If we need to take Monday to complete this we will.