Lesson Plan August 26th to August 30th


Monday-We’ll review Classifying Real Number since I was out Friday.   Then Compare and Order Real Numbers.  ***Test Review will be given out so that students have time to ask questions as they work several each night.***. Parents please check to make sure that your students has completed this and sign it for bonus points.

Tuesday-Scientific Notation to Standard Notation

Wednesday-Standard Notations to Scientific Notation with word problems

Thursday-Test Review

Friday-Test over the Real Number System

Class August 23rd

  1. Turn in any homework that you have.
  2. Copy the notes that are attached.
  3. Get Homework 4 and complete. You can refer to previous notes that we’ve taken to help you if you need it.
  4. Turn in your homework if you finish it.  Please feel free to email me with any question that you have after you’ve looked at your notes.  *[email protected]
  5. Finish homework from another class or play math games online.
  6. Notes

Lesson Plans August 19th – August 23rd


Monday-Fraction and decimals in the calculator.  Talk to you student about their calculator and have them show you the Desmos app on their Chromebook.  They’ll be able to use both of these resources this year.  Please email me with any questions. **Study for vocabulary quiz tomorrow & make sure pink paper is signed.**

Tuesday-Quiz over vocabulary.  Square lesson with blocks, while we finish perfect squares.

Wednesday-Estimating square roots by hand.

Thursday-Comparing rational vs irrational numbers

Friday-Classifying rational and irrational numbers.

Please make sure that you’re checking your student’s homework.  They will be able to use the calculator and Desmos this year BUT they’ll learn how to do every thing by hand first. If you should have any questions, please email me.

[email protected]

Welcome Back!!!


Hello! I am Amy Heim. I teach 7th advanced math, 8th grade math, and 8th grade power math at WOMS. Both of my children are at the high school. Landyn will be a sophomore and Anna Mae will be a freshman. Things I enjoy: going to concerts, playing board games and the beach!!!

I attended UT Tyler where I earned my Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies (specialization in mathematics).  It has always been my desire to teach at the secondary level.  I fell in love with WOMS when I did my student teaching and have been here teaching pre-algebra for the last eleven years.

Last year was my first year to take over our UIL Academic.  If you haven’t already heard we took district for the first time in WOMS history! This was an awesome experience for kids and I was pretty excited myself.  So, if your student isn’t in a UIL event, encourage them. We have so many different events for them to at least try.

It is an honor to have your child in my class this year. I absolutely love teaching pre-algebra each year and can’t wait for our first day.  Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

[email protected]