Lesson Plans March 3rd – March 7th


2nd Period is a little different since I missed three days with them last week.

Monday-Review for Unit 9 Test

Tuesday-Unit 9 Test

Wednesday-Speed Dating with Units 1-4 Review

Thursday- Math Benchmark

Friday- PI DAY!!


7th Grade Advanced and 8th Grade Afternoon classes

Monday-Speed Dating Units 1-3 Review

Tuesday-Speed Dating Units 4-6 Review

Wednesday-Speed Dating Units 7-9 Review

Thursday-Math Benchmark

Friday-PI DAY!!

We will pick back up in Unit 10 for all classes after Spring Break!  Enjoy!!


Lesson Plan February 24th to February 28th


Monday-Intro to mean absolute deviation.

Unit 9 review will go home today and will be due next Monday.

Tuesday-Science benchmark

Wednesday-Social studies benchmark

Thursday-Students will continue mean absolute deviation using word problems.

Friday-Speed dating using white boards with unit 9 review.

Unit 9 test will be Tuesday

TEKS-8.5d, 8.9a, 8.11a, 8.11b, 8.11c

Lesson Plans February 17th to February 21st



Tuesday-I will be out.  Students will review how to find slope and y-intercept from graphs and tables.  Mr. Foulke will be there to help with any questions.


—Morning classes will take reading benchmark.

—Afternoon classes will look at scatter plots and predict trend line (they’ll already be drawn).  If I’m not at school, students will get lesson from a video or Mr. Foulke will be there to help teach.

Thursday-Writing an equation from trend lines.  We’ll look at verbal descriptions and word problems bringing back the predictions of where they are going.

Friday-Quiz Unit 9 scatter plots and trend lines (20 minutes)  We’ll use the rest of the time to cover an misconnects or make up work.

Unit 9 test will be next Friday

TEKS-8.4d, 8.4c, 8.5c, 8.5d, 8.9a, 8.11a, 8.11b, 8.11c

Lesson Plans February 11th to February 14th


Monday-Teacher Work Day

Tuesday-Unit 8 Volume Test Review

Wednesday-Unit 8 Test Volume

Thursday-Introduction to Unit 9 Scatter Plots.  Students will start with outside boards to talk about prior knowledge.

Friday-Students will construct scatter plots and start to connect trend lines.

TEKS-8.7a, 8.5c, 8.5d, 8.11a, 8.11b, 8.11c

Lesson Plans February 3rd – February 7th


Monday-Intro to volume of cylinders. Students will use prior knowledge of surface area to help them relate to the capacity of cylinders.

Tuesday-Volume of cones. Student will do a water lesson to help them relate why we use the volume of cones formula.

Wednesday-Applying volume of cylinders and cones to word problems.

Thursday-Volume quiz-Unit 8-This will only have cylinders and cones.  Students will also reciveve their study guide for our unit 8 test on Tuesday .

Friday-Volume of spheres


Lesson Plans January 27th – January 31th


Monday-Unit 7 continued-Using surface area to solve word problems

Tuesday/Wednesday-Intro to surface area of cylinders.  Students will be able to apply surface area of cylinders to real world problems.

Thursday-Surface Area quiz-This will be over prisms and cylinders.

Friday-Stations with surface area review focusing on commonly missed problems on the quiz.

Unit 7 Test Surface Area will be on Tuesday the following week.



Lesson Plans January 20th – January 24th



Tuesday-Transformations Test Review (Unit 6)

Wednesday Transformations Test (Unit 6)

Thursday-Intro to surface area of rectangular prisms (Unit 7).  Students will use prior knowledge of surface area of nets to help them connect with the SA of prisms formula.

Friday-Surface area of triangular prisms (Unit 7).  Students will use prior knowledge of surface area of nets to help them connect with the SA of prisms formula.

Unit 6–8.3A, 8.3B, 8.3C, 8.10A, 8.10B, 8.10C and 8.10D

Unit 7–8.7B

Lesson Plans January 13th to January 17th


Monday-Students will be introduced to Carlo while learning changing dimensions of shapes and scale factor.

Tuesday-Finish changing dimensions of shapes and scale factor. We’ll add note to this day.

Wednesday-Students will be able to dilate figures on a coordinate plane and be able to recognize the difference between enlargements and reductions.

Thursday-Students will be able to dilate different measurements and dimension while referring back to our lesson on Carlos.

Friday-Review over ALL Transformations.  The test will be Tuesday of next week.










Lesson Plans January 6th to January 10th


Monday-Teacher Work Day

Tuesday/Wednesday-Universal Screener on IXL-This data will show me your student’s progression since starting pre-algebra.

Thursday/Friday- We’ll go over the benchmark from before break. If we need to take Monday to complete this we will.